What value does a REALTOR have in today’s market? Why use a REALTOR?

When you think of a REALTOR, what do you think of? Lately We are hearing overpaid, a rip off-- this saddens us as there is a Very Big Difference from a REALTOR and anyone who is licensed to sell real estate in my eyes. There is so much talk about value and what we do or don't do for the public. It is hard to see the differences or what is the benefits of using a Full Time- Full- Service REALTOR. WE think of negotiating and building relationship, protection for our clients, working hard, educated to what is happening around a specific area and the pitfalls to know about, helping people every way WE can. We think of helping you get to your Whooo hooo!!!! moment, quickly, efficiently and navigating all the obstacles that can be in your path! Yes, you can sell your home yourself, use a discount brokerage, or hire a agent/a broker not associated with NAR with the designation of a REALTOR. So why does it matter? What difference does it make? REALTORS have taken an oath and ...