Popcorn ceilings what are they & how to get rid them safely.

Popcorn is great for lots of stuff. You can enjoy a big bucket with family and friends while at the movies, string it on a thread to give Christmas that old-fashioned touch and even turn it into questionable “treats” for Halloween. One place that it’s a lot less welcome is on the ceiling. Unfortunately, too many homes still have popcorn ceilings. They often create a lot more questions than they answer. What Is a Popcorn Ceiling? Back in the day, someone had a brilliant idea. What would happen if there was a cheaper alternative to meticulously applied plaster ceiling coating and decoration for homes? This person asked themselves. Well, that would be just lovely! In addition to it looking “different” it also has acoustic properties in a room. And now that person wasn’t wrong in concept. It was a practice that turned out to really be the killer. Popcorn ceilings, the solution to the problem, are still around, largely haunting homes built between the 1930s and 1990s. Th...