When Is It Time to Sell My Rental Property?

As an investor, I understand the stress and reward of having rental properties. They make a great investment, especially for retirement planning, but they also cost money in maintenance. Often I am asked by investor clients, “When is it time to sell my rental property?” Here are some guidelines: Costs . Being a real estate investor is like being a business owner and you have to know your numbers. What is the rental home actually costing you? If the mortgage is $1,000/month and the renters are paying $1200/month, is that enough to cover taxes, pool maintenance, landscaping, HOA dues and other expenses? If the answer is no, it might be time to raise the rent if the market will allow or sell the home. Market Shifts . In the Phoenix market, it is estimated that we will see a shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market in 2016. That means prices of homes will go down. If your rental property is paid off or you have a low mortgage compared to current market value, you m...