Living a Life of Gratitude

What are you grateful for? How do we live life and be grateful every day? I am always trying to live my life with Gratitude but always need a reminder. Well, I am sure you have heard a few really good tips to living a grateful life like; Keep a journal near your bed and either before you go to bed or right as you wake- write 4 to 5 things that you are grateful for. Keep an empty jar nearby your work area and write down something you’re grateful for every time you feel stressed out (or perhaps when you say a certain phrase). Vow to not complain, criticize, or gossip for 30 days at a time-- If you slip, rally your willpower and keep going. Notice the amount of energy and TIME you were spending on negative thoughts and actions. We all have said it; “time is precious”, “time is money”, “time goes so fast when you are having fun” And many wise people have tried to warn us; Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst. ~William Penn ...