Tips to get your home staged to sell- 2021

In this day and age- with HGTV and all the fuss made about homes it is so important to have your home staged... so here are a few tips from the pros to get the most bang for your buck! Maximize Curb Appeal Getting them through the front door starts at the curb. Manicure the lawn, trim the trees and shrubs. Pull weeds and plant some colorful flowers. Clear the walkways. Fix peeling paint and wind up that hose. Paint the address number on the curb. Make Repairs to Visible Blemishes Is there something that’s an eyesore, but an easy fix? If looking at it bothers you, it could bother a potential buyer and reduce the appeal of your home. Replace burnt out light bulbs, fix that loose door handle, make needed paint touch-ups. Make a Buyer’s Entrance Inviting Freshly paint the front door with a color that contrasts the house. Add a new welcome mat. Hang a fresh wreath on the door. Let the Light Shine In Removing heavy window coverings to let in the natural light we all cra...