The history of interest rates have been up and down.

I am writing this as a "food for thought article" Please take it as that... The history of interest rates have been up and down-- that is their nature. As the economy changes so does the interest rate. It is not a natural thing for either to be up for too long or down too long... it must change with the times. I think that has been forgotten. in the past 10 years or so-- as a healthy economy needs to grow so does the views about it. When the stock exchange continues to see new records broke though month after month-- I question the validity. The American dream has always been (as long as I can remember) to own your own home- to be the person who reaps the benefits of ownership. To control one's life by knowing what your mortgage will be for a lifetime. God Bless America to allow that right of ownership- to allow each citizen the right to have a piece of the american dream. Below is a chart showing the past interest rate and some comments about what ...