Rentals-- there is a new scam that Scammers are doing

If you or someone you know is looking for rentals there is a new scam that Scammers are doing it is like this; They copy and paste legitimate listings (either for sale or for rent), and then after getting inquiries and questions, try to get victims to wire them the deposit. "They're marketing it for up to $500 less (than the original listing amount) or what the normal amount is going for in the area. A scammer will even suggest to an interested renter drive to the property and view it for themselves. If there is a sign on the property- call the number in front of the home!! If it is not the number you called the first time- it is a scam!! I have just had this happen to 2 of my listing, it is getting bothersome. One gal had even wired $500.00 to the scammer just so she could save it- without filling an application or any other procedure. I feel bad, but there are so many warning signs- or so I think!! The old adage is: if it sound...