Make Your Home Green This St. Patrick’s Day

You’re ready to make some changes to your home, but you want to be smart with your money and see a positive return on your investment. While most homeowners don’t see that return until they sell their home, you can start seeing the benefits now through conserving energy by making your home green. So in honor of the upcoming green holiday, stop searching for that pot of gold. Get inspired by St. Patrick’s Day to go green to cut your energy costs with the environmentally friendly renovations below. You’ll soon see the savings building up at the end of the rainbow. · Use Reclaimed Wood For Flooring Instead of chopping down more green for your floors, reclaim wood that’s already been cut. While prices vary depending on the type of wood and how it was transformed, you can get a unique look and conversational piece that no one else will have. Just think, you could be standing on the Jackson’s old barn or a dismantled ship. · Green Your Latrine Install a low-flow...