March Market Report

Here is the Market Report for the period ending February 2012. The Market has, and continues to shift, yet again. You can see this by the Distressed Property comparison below, and by the other statistics that are presented in this report. For a more thorough understanding of how the market is shifting, and how this affects you, please give me a call and we can talk about it. Distressed Sales Analysis: This month I am including 2 Distressed Property charts. We include one every month, but I wanted to provide a comparison of our current distressed property status, with where we were a year ago. What a huge shift we have seen in the market over the past year. Foreclosures have dropped from 47% of the Sales to 23%, and Traditional Sales (non-distressed) have gone from just 32% of the Market to 49%. As we get further on in this report, you will see how this dramatic shift has affected all segments of the market, including price, and listings. To view entire report, click HER...